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An Imperial officer walks over to the holonet transmitter, and takes a knee.

"This is Major Lanos of the Tallan Garrison calling for His Excellency..."

A holo-image slowly materializes into view...

"Your Excellency, it is...Grand Vizier?"

"Yes Major Lanos, it is I, the Grand Vizier. The Emperor is currently tending to other more-important matters."

"Sir, are you familiar with the operation involving the retrieval of Agent 962?"

"Yes you fool, I am familiar with all of His Excellency's current affairs."

"I just wanted to report that we have a green light on the situation, and will proceed as planned."

"I hope you were not foolish enough to assign one of our own people to this task."

"No sir, I have not. I have contracted a private assassin to eliminate the subject."

"And you trust that this outsider will complete the mission?"

"I am sure that he will not be foolish enough to go against us."

"Where is the subject now?"

"He and his crew are currently making a run from Sullust to Nagyoben 7."

"I will dispatch part of the main fleet to assure that his ship will be destroyed."

"It will be done as you command, sir."

Adventure 1

Well, it all started out on a quiet afternoon (except for a police blockade around docking bay 43) at a little tavern on Nagyoben 7. The characters have all heard (one way or another) about a secret Rebel Alliance recruitment meeting which will be held here. One by one, they all make their way into the bar, and order the "secret drink", which is a Flying Lizzard. At the bottom of the drink, are directions to the secret room in crystalline writing. All goes well, except for a drunken Coynite, who had to be carried downstairs.

The meeting starts off with a brilliant speech by Major Melvin Pik, which inspires all of them to join the Alliance. Then, just as the meeting ends, an explosion rocks the building, sending a ceiling beam down, which crushes Major Pik. Lt. Bloodman (Pik's aide) decides that it's time to go, and leads the ragtag crew up the steps to find the bar torn to pieces by Imperial troops.

They fight their way out of the bar, and see that an ENTIRE IMPERIAL INVASIONARY FORCE has landed, and is beginning to take over the planet. They fight their way to docking bay 89b...and just as Lt. Bloodman is about to open the door, the Rebel transport leaves. They watch, helplessly, as it heads up into the atmosphere, only to be cut to pieces by brilliant streams of turbolasers.

In desparation, they turn their attention to another firefight in docking bay 89a. The Saber Rake jumps into a skiff, and runs it on a collision-course with the wall...impacting the three stormtroopers in its path. The group makes their way into the docking bay, eliminates the Imperial presence, and opens the doors allowing the ship to leave.

The ship, which is the Corellian Corvette Supernova, is a corporate transport for Red Star Shipping Lanes, of the Corporate Sector. Nar'Fharl seems to know the Supernova's Security Chief, a Coynite named Umthed Tre'wark. Umthed allows them passage on the ship, and they leave Nagyoben 7. Now, at the end of the adventure, they finally get to introduce themselves!

After the ship takes a beating and jumps into hyperspace, the captain comes up to meet them. Her name is Kyra Krystal, and she is the First Officer Of the Supernova. She explains that her group was on this planet to negotiate a deal with the rebels, but they never returned. Raven gets a tad nervous, as Kyra describes her captain. Now that he is gone, she assumes command of the ship. She also explains that the ship took a hit just prior to hyperspace. The hyperdrive is destroyed, and their backup has enough to get them to the anarchic world of Korbin.

Interlude 1

From Gunnery Bay 44, on the Star Destroyer Remorse...

"Gunnery Bay 44, this is the bridge, we are picking up another lift-off at segment 234z-44b-00a."

"Roger that, bridge. We see one mark at point-two-seven. We are plotting a firing solution."
"Decksman Coppleman, upon target aquisition, you may fire at will."

"Aye-aye sir. Target acquired...firing!"

Shots echo out, each one shaking the entire firing bay.

"Target destroyed, sir!"

"Excellent. Bridge, this is Lt. Dimson at Gunnery Bay 44. The target has been destroyed."

"Nice work. We're picking up another lift-off from the just about the same coordinates...segment 235z-44b-00a."

"Roger, bridge. We see the mark at point-two-seven. Be advised that we are plotting."
"Decksman Coppleman, upon target aquisition, you may fire at will."

"Aye-aye sir. Target speed is incresing...cannot acquire target."

"Increase the targeting sensor's power. Make adjustments for one-one-seven-three...FIRE!"

Again, shots ring out...this time, admidst lots of swearing.

"Sir, despite a direct hit on the engineering section, the ship has just made hyperspace."

"Gunnery Bay 44, this is the bridge. Lt. Dimson? Lord Vader would like to see you in his quarters."

Adventure 2

After landing on Korbin, and checking out some of the local part dealers, the characters finally find a spare hyperdrive at Rolandolen The Hutt's Star Drives. The establishment is run by none-other than Rik Duel himself. Rik explains that he does have a hyperdrive, for 27500 credits. As the group tries to explain their monetary shortages, Rik cuts them a deal, where he will give them the hyperdrive for free, should they kill Kumac The Hutt.

The characters decide to double-cross Rik Duel, and inform Kumac The Hutt of this. He deals with them, and says that he will pay them for the safe return of Duel. Chlea-Zeld negotiates an advance from Kumac, and heads off to the fight pit, where Nar'Fharl will attempt a professional fight to get the group some money, but this does not work out as planned.

Anyway, with the failure of their fight-for-money plan, the players resort to a forceful take-over of Duel's establishment. After a great con, where Nar'Fharl talks-down two big, mean wookies, The Saber Rake apprehends, and beats Rik Duel into submission with his lightfoil.

Upon returning to Kumac The Hutt's palace, the group turns over Rik Duel, and collects the riches from Kumac. Chlea-Zeld does an excellent job of negotiating with the hutt, and with an interjection or two from Nar'Fharl, leave feeling successful.

So, the group makes it back to the Supernova unscathed, installs the hyperdrive, and blasts-off into the unknown future.

Interlude 2

Flanked by two ominous-looking Royal Guards, a lone figure is escorted into the middle of a dimly-lit, but extravagant room. Looking out the large, tinted window on his left, he can see the beautiful sunset, as it illuminates the vast cityscape below. He looks up, as an old, hunched-over figure slowly makes his way into the room. He drops to one knee, and bows his head...

"Ahhh...I see you have returned...unharmed."

"Yes, my master."

"I trust your injuries are healing appropriately."

"Yes, master...the Dark Side has made me powerful, and has rewarded me once again."

"Good, good. I take it you have news of the Impostor?"

"Master, as you feared, he has somehow supplemented his training, and has grown strong...stronger than I, my master."

"Hmmm....This does complicate things. What else?"

"He has had crews going out to various planets, and has recovered some ancient Jedi artifacts to assist him. He also currently has teams of astrogators looking for Ossus."

"This cannot be allowed to happen. You may take a week to relax. Then I want you to go to the garrison at Tallan, and await further instructions."

"Yes, my master."

"Once you are re-inserted, you are to proceed as planned, until he makes a move for Ossus. You must keep him from finding it at all costs."

"Yes, my master. It will be done as you command."

Adventure 3

We start out our adventure, as the Supernova leaves Korbin, and runs right into an Imperial trap! They are blocked by the Imperial Star Destroyer Remorse and an Interdictor Cruiser. Kyra turns the 'vette around, and makes a hasty move for the other side of the planet...hoping that it will shield them from the Inerdictor's gravity wells. However, as she starts to bring the ship around, she runs into a Victory-class Star Destroyer. The Victory lights up the Supernova, severely damaging her. However, the hyperdrive still works, as they jump out of the system.

Upon dropping out in the Coyn system, the crew decides to head to Celanon, where Raven knows some people who may be able to help fix the ship (again). During the journey, the crew ponders how the Empire knew where to find them. They run a sensors check, and find out that another signal (disguised as a transponder code) is being emitted from the center of the ship. The group takes-up hand sensors, and begins to search.

Halfway through the search, they land on Celanon. Raven and Cassius (the two least-likely to go off together) leave to contact Raven's associates. The crew continues their search, but finds nothing. They shut the ship down, scan again, and now the signal isn't there at all. Perplexed, they begin to search the outside of the ship.

Meanwhile, Raven and Cassius make it to the seediest bar in town. Raven mentions a password to the bartender, and eventually, they make their way upstairs. They are greeted by a man named Cypher, who Raven appears to have worked with or for in the past. They arrange with Cypher to have some replacement parts brought to their ship, and also ask that he send a slicer out to help them deceipher the mysterious transponder code.

As they wait in the bar for the slicer, they notice a squad of Imperial Stormtroopers enter the bar, and start snooping around. Cassius and Raven quietly make their exit. They get outside to find an empty transport skiff. Raven jumps into the driver's seat, and Cassius begins assembling the E-Web. The troops come back out, and Cassius lights up the door with no mercy. Through the glass door (and past the dead troops) they see Cypher in binders, being dragged out by the troops. The troops try to fight Raven and Cassius, but all who try are slain. Just as they begin to make a break for Cypher, another troop transport pulls up, and Raven hits the gas, speeding away.

After getting the ship repaired, and after Raven and Cassius return, the crew fires up the Supernova, and again finds the annoying transponder piggyback signal. Frustrated, they head to Etti IV, the Corporate Sector world which is the location of Red Star Shipping's headquarters. Here, Red Star offers to hire the group on as shipping escorts, to protect and obtain valuable items for the corporation. Currently unemployed, the group agrees. Their first corporate mission, is to infultrate Meren Data's research facility on Jaloa, and retrieve a government-level holonet descrambler.

They enter the facility underwater, through the hydroelectric generation facilities, which makes Scolar crap his pants along the way. They emerge from the river, and open fire...only then realizing that an ionization field is in place, which renders all blasters useless. Going to their backup slugthrowers, they eliminate the lower guards while expanding tremendous amounts of effort. They make their way to the security level, where an all-out firefight erupts. Raven, Scolar, and Chlea-Zeld are seriously-wounded, but they are saved by the two-pistoled-action of Max Bloodman, and the Blood-Of-The-Ninja-esque-impaling-madman Cassius.

Upon reaching the top level, the groups splits up. Max, Damien, and Scolar head off to the fighter bay (to disable the rest of the base) and Spyros, Raven, Chlea-Zeld, and Cassius head up to the research level to look for the device. After subduing the techs, Scolar and Damien commandeer Z-95's, and start straffing vital parts of the base with concussion missiles. They return to the bay, and Max riggs them all to blow. They rush back to the turbolift, to find the others there, with the device in-hand. They make their way back to the transport docking bay, and blast off with two Lambda-class shuttles.

Upon returning to Etti IV, they are paid...somewhat. It is now that they realize the problems in the Corporate Sector. Yes, all essentials are provided for, but over half of your pay leaves you in taxes. Not bad, if you intend on spending your entire life in the Corporate Sector, but it does make it difficult to make a profit while leaving the sector. Upset by this, Chlea-Zeld draws a blaster on manager Nova Fenn. Nova laughs, explains the taxing system, and quickly disarms Chela-Zeld, crushing her blaster to pieces. The rest of the group, even after this stunning display of martial arts by a thin, young woman, are still not convinced enough to cooperate. So, Nova gives the signal to gas the room, finally convincing the now-sleepy combattants to give her the device and all of its schematics.

Interlude 3

High up in a skyscraper which looks out far above Chandelier City on Etti IV, a thin, young woman confidently walks up to the office door. She nods to the two guards, and they quickly let her in.

"Hello Nova. And to what do we owe this visit?"

"Viceprex Wumdi, The crew you ordered me to get rid of, actually succeeded in their infultration of Meren Data. We now have the holonet descrambler."

"Oh my. I see you underestimated them. Perhaps they were more resourceful than you thought."

"Yes, it appears so. But ultimately, they are money-driven fools."

"I see. This does present some problems."

"Yes sir, it does. Meren Data will order a full investigation from the CSA. We will have to destroy all evidence linking us to this incident."

"Yes, yes. Make it so."

"And what of the crew?"

"Eliminate them. All of them. We cannot afford..."

"Wait! If indeed these rogues are as good we believe, then perhaps they may have a useful purpose within our company."

"But Mr. Cromartie, these people (if questioned) can incriminate our company and its management in a plot of corporate espianage!"

"Viceprex Wumdi, you find these rogues brilliant, and useful."

"I find them brilliant...and...useful."

"They could be a great asset to our goals."


"Nova, assign these crewers to my next shipment. Everything will proceed as I have forseen..."

"Yes Mr. Cromartie, it will be done as you command."

Adventure 4

The adventure starts out with the group roaming around Chandelier City on Etti IV. They split up into groups, and begin combing the shops and malls for armor, cool weapons, and crystals...of the Adegan type. Damean acquires all of the necessary paperwork to make the two stolen shuttles legally his and Scolar's, but after paying the necessary fees, finds out that the corporation had them destroyed to save their asses from an investigation. Oops. After an hour or so of shopping, they are paged, and told to return to Red Star's corporate building, for their next assignment.

Upon arrival, they are informed that they will be acting as security crew aboard the Supernova. Taking their places, they blast off into the unknown...only to notice that the annoying homing beacon is still on their ship! They [again] resort to searching with hand-held scanners.

Upon arrival at Kuat, they supervise a sale of blasters to the Empire. During this time, they also pinpoint and locate the source of the homing beacon...Raven's sniper rifle. Raven states that this is impossible, because the only time it was ever out of his possession, was during his Imperial Imprisonment on Tallan...oh no... Anyway, they dissassemble his rifle, and remove the beacon from the trigger assembly...effectively disabling Raven's gun until he can make repairs. However, Spyros takes the beacon, and drops it on the beer truck, which drops off the crew's next load of goods.

Stalwartly guarding their precious cargo of assorted beer imports, the crew begins to take precautions as they approach the planet of Ord Antalaha...which is owned by the crimelord George The Hutt. Chlea-Zeld opts to remain on the ship for the duration of the stay. They take their cargo of lums directly to George's main gate, where they are met and compensated by his henchmen...who indicate that their next load of goods is on the way.

The crew decides to take some time to explore the city a little. Nar'Fharl and Xander head off to an armor shop, and Quar goes off to find some hardcore porn. Upon finding his porn, Quar leaves the adult store deeply engrossed in the text on the back of his newly-purchased copy of "A Hard Gand Is Good To Find - Part 7", and doesn't even notice someone quitely taking aim, and drilling him with a tangle-gun. Quar drops over, and sees Ubese bounty hunter who has been chasing Quar for the Empire, ever since Quar and his friends broke out of the Falleen Blockade...Quar knows this, but can figure out why Kodos is after him. Follow? Don't worry, neither do I.

Kodos taunts Quar a little before stunning him, but his attack is thwarted by the combined efforts of Nar'Fharl and Xander. Nar'Fharl takes a blast (that would've killed Xander) and drops, giving Xander enough time to lightly-wound Kodos, and drive him off. They rescue Quar from the tangled mess, and question him about the hunter. After explaining the entire story, they return to the ship more-frustrated than ever. But Quar still doesn't know why Kodos is after him. They return to the Supernova in time to supervise the delivery of their next cargo. They then pack up ship, and blast off for Annevis.

Upon arrival at Annevis, they land at a corporately-owned archeological excavation site. They unload their cargo, and meet the site supervisor, Dr. Milt Anglonesiac. Dr. Milt take some time to explain their operation, while Xander and Damean snoop usual. Xander finds paydirt...a pile of slightly defective crystals, by which he will use to build a newer, slighly defective lightfoil. Dameon heads to the back of the main building, to find that the workers are unloading their cargo...which is four sedated Twi'Lek slaves.

As Damean turns to find the rest of the group and inform them that they all could now be [legally] put to death, screams are heard from within the cave. Making their way down through the cavern, they take the turbolift down the shaft to the lower level. They find a scared miner, who's mumblings about "dark warriors" are almost intelligible. They press on through the ancient halls and find pieces of the other miners...and of the two guards sent down to help them.

They open two massive double-doors, to find another set of massive double-doors guarded by two dark, shadowy, armored sentinels. With their booming voices, the sentinels only allow the force-sensitives of the group to pass. Seeing the miners and guards just down the hall, the non-force-sensitives decide that it is best not to press their luck, and wait.

Chlea-Zeld, Spyros, and Xander follow the short, dark corridor to a small, spherical room with a glowing blue/purple sphere in the center. They have intermittant communication with another booming voice, and Xander (after some failed willpower rolls) follows the suggestion of the voice, and puts both of his hands on the sphere. The glow fades until the room is dark, the sentinels disappear, and the voice is not heard from again. Xander, however, feels surprisingly good!

After returning from the shaft, the group debates what to do about the slaves. Agreeing to leave without fighting, and call the Sector Rangers, they reluctantly depart. And blast off for regions unknown...feeling even less-supportive of their employer than they did last week.

Interlude 4

A repulsor-limo speeds down a busy highway near the business district of Tallan. It's two passengers contemplate their next move...

"When I meet with the Totaglia family, should I insist that all his spice middlemen have clean records?"

"Mention it...don't insist. Barzini is a man who will know that without being told."

"You mean Totaglia, don't you sir?"

"Totaglia's a pimp. He never could have afforded to off Santino."

"Well who then?"

"What I didn't know until this meeting that it was Barzini all along."

"Want me to order a hit?"

"No. I'll meet with him myself...and make him an offer that he don't refuse."

Adventure 5

Having just received a message from Red Star headquarters to rescue their lost ship captain, the Supernova changes course, and makes way for the Tapani Sector. Current intelligence tells them that Captain Drake Wallace is currently being held at the Imperial Garrison on Tallan, and the group hastilly makes plans to retrieve him.

Their foremost problem, is that the Supernova is on the seek-and-destroy list for the Empire. Looking to solve this little dillema, Xander leads them to Achillea, which is the main system in the House Cadriaan province. There, he hooks up with an old acquaintance of his (Lord Ned). He persuades Lord Ned to take them to the Imperial-Controlled world of Tallan. Along the way, the group start noticing little oddities about Xander. He begins talking to himself, and exhibiting limited control of The Force. While Spyros and Chlea can't pinpoint the strength of his power, they do sense that the source of it is definitely evil. In addition to this, some of the group members start to feel tired and fatigued...that, except for Xander, who feels perfectly fine!

Upon arrival on Tallan, Max Bloodman heads out to contact the Rebellion and get them a ship, while Chlea and Raven set out to scout and spy on the Garrison. While out and about, the are both spotted by Imperial forces. Raven disappears into the crowd, but Chlea is spotted and confronted by four stormtroopers. She fails in her attempt to blend-in, but (with the help of a timely arrival by Raven) she fights her way out. She revives a stunned Raven, and they return to Lord Ned's docking bay. After that, Lord Ned says that he is departing and soon leaves them standing in an empty docking bay.

With their immediate shortage of lodging, Xander and Cassius realize that they can stay at their house embassies. However, Cassius is the only one who gets an entourage, as nobody wanted to go with Xander (who recently has been showing signs of skitzophrenia). Meanwhile, it is a party in Cassius's room, as he gets the prime suite at the embassy. Damean (while failing in eavesdropping in on house affairs) is successful is landing a job at the local Sewage Treatment Plant. Using a holo-corder, he scopes out the sewer hookups underneath the Garrison.

After Damean returns with his movie of the sewers (an coerces the group members into turning off the "Troops" marathon), he shows everyone their way into the Garrison. They call Xander, and have him meet them at the high-class bar across the street. He shows up, and they discuss their plans.

Once Xander procures a security system toolkit, they proceed into the sewers, and make their way underneath the Garrison. They arrive in the troop barrack-shower-room. Xander proceeds into the locker room, and performs a successful Affect Mind on two stormtroppers, before stunning them. Damean tosses two stun grenades into the main bunk area, and the group pours in and subdues all resistance. The stormtroopers are all dropped in a fierce battle that costs Damean his right arm and was an easel of force-display for Xander. They don stormtrooper armor, and begin to escort Spyros up to the detention area.

They arrive, and find that their guise works. Spyros is taken without question, and they are ordered down to the first floor to investigate a disturbance. Spyros rolls over a console, and drops to the ground, giving the others room to fire. In just a few short rounds, the troops are dead, and Captain Wallace is freed by Xander and Spyros.

After another brief battle (where Chlea-Zeld saves Wallace by forcing him to the ground amidst a firefight) they descend down a sewer pipe from the third level, into the sublevels. Spyros is hurt in the fall, permanently losing the use of his right leg. But, they make their way out, and back to docking bay 62 to meet Max, Scolar, Nar'Fharl, and Quar. They take off, and jump to a pre-planned system to deliver Captain Wallace.

Once they return, they drop off Captain Wallace, and decide to head back to join and assist the Rebel Cell in the Tapani Sector. After some arguing with Captain Krystal, they depart back to Tapani, with their unknown future awaiting them.

Interlude 5

Deep underground, the workers of the Tallan Sanitation Department hurridly scurry around local investigators, as they do their best to assist the authorities in their most-recent debacle. They carefully study the large sanitation vehicle which rests snugly against the cement wall.

"This is the vehicle, sir. Looks like it barrelled into this T-intersection at a very slow speed."

"And it came from the direction of the Garrison, correct?"

"Yessir! Looks like either something really nasty happened to the driver, or I'd say that this was a distraction."

"When and where was the last check-in from this vehicle?"

"Records say that it last checked in about 15 minutes before the base went to Red Alert. It broadcasted from directly underneath the Garrison."

"So whaddya got?"

"Well, traces of blood, random fecal material on the seat...not much else."

"Get a sample of that blood. I want an analysis of it run-"

"Whoa! We've got ourselves a winner, sir."

"What is it?"

"Partial palm print on the door. I'll run it and the blood through the computer, and see what we come up with."


The man reaches into his coat, and produces a commlink. He hurridly dials the number, and answers with a smile...
"Hello Major Lanos, Whitfield here."

"Yes, yes sir."

"Can you meet me in the forensics lab, sir? We have something that you may want to see."

Interlude 6

High up in a skyscraper which looks out far above Chandelier City on Etti IV, Nova Kronn confidently walks into the main office, accompanied by Captain Drake Wallace. They walk past the two guards at the open door, to see a lone figure awaiting at the desk, his back turned, as he overlooks the cityscape.

"Mr. Cromartie, the mission to rescue Captain Wallace was successful."

"Good, good. Captain Wallace, so good to have you back."

"It is good to be back, sir."

"I'm sure it is. I trust you were unharmed during your imprisonment."

"I received some injuries prior to my capture, but the prison medical droids did a remarkable job."

"Remarkable indeed. Are there any complications that I need be made aware of?"

"Sir, the security crew abandoned ship upon returning Captain Wallace."

"I see. This presents a problem, since they know the location of Drast's temple. Do you have any idea where they are now?"

"No sir, I do not. However, I do know that at least one of them has strong ties to the Rebel Alliance."

"Awaken our spies within the Alliance. I want those rogues found, and eliminated."

"Yes sir. We will take our leave of you, now."

"Very well then. Captain Wallace? Would you mind staying for a few minutes?"

"Well...ummm...of course, sir."

"Excellent. Good day Nova. Guards...leave us."

Nova exits just prior to the two guards, who close and firmly secure the door behind them.

"What is it, sir?"

"Captain Wallace...I have a task that requires your special skills."

"Special skills, sir?"

"Yes. My archeologists tell me that the temple of Riker Drast was found...empty."

"You mean, looted, sir?"

"In a manner of speaking...yes. You will find the Jedi who has taken its treasures."

"How am I to deal with a Jedi?"

Mr. Cromartie walks up to Captain Wallace, and tugs on a barely-visible necklace. He pulls it out, to reveal a small amulet. They look at each other with a brief moment of silence, before Mr. Cromartie rips the amulet from his neck. He then closes his eyes and shows a deep, sinister smile...

"That's what I thought. I think we both know whose employ you are REALLY under. But you have underestimated me, and now you will pay for it."

Mr. Cromartie places a hand on Captain Wallace's head. Captain Wallace, who has somehow been unable to move during this entire time, begins to shudder. Eventually, his eyes roll back, and he drops to the floor.

"Now rise, slave. Return to the Tapani Sector. I will contact you once I have the location of the wannabe Jedi."


Adventure 6

After leaving the employ of Corporate Sector giant Red Star Shipping Lanes, the group lands on Obulette for a brief stop-over. Cassius directs the ship to his personal landing field by his estate. He then proceeds elsewhere to conduct some business. Meanwhile, Max goes off with Spyros and Damean to the hospital, to see to their cybernetic replacements. Xander and Chlea stay behind to work on their lightsabers, while Scolar makes his first (of many) stop at a weapons store. Eventually, Scolar finds the dreaded Blastech Thunderer, and the group is able to leave the planet.

Upon arrival at the Rebel Base on the ice world of Tavitz, the group is outfitted with some field jackets, and assigned ranks. Upon completion of the bureaucracies, base commanding officer Lt. Colonel Lu'ca Camus sends them off to the secret Rebel training site on the planet of Tanda.

They arrive, and undergo many episodes of training in Rebel Alliance procedures, tactics, and protocol. They also learn how to drive/fly most vehicles and ships in the Alliance. Their biggest mishap was during airspeeder training, as four of them crash. Xander, who had the worst crash of all, was so trashed that the tech crew threw a white sheet on his body. Then, somehow, a couple of minutes later, Xander pulls his sheet back, and walks off the track on his own strength...directly to a Bacta Tank, where he would float for the next few days.

The final phase was ground training...something that they should be good at, right? Met in an ambush before their objective, the group barely takes-out their Damean is dropped. They advance on their target, with Xander leading the way. Xander fools the two door guards with an armband taken from the other team, and enters the building. A fierce battle emerges, strangely, just as the sky goes dark...almost as if a storm cloud jumped out at them. The darkness is brief, but the battle is broken up by the words "CEASE FIRE!!!"

The other team's commander heads out to the group and asks "What the hell was that?" Puzzled, they begin to search building. They find their answer, as three bodies are found in the building's command center. One of them is stunned, and the other two are dead. One of the dead, is quickly identified as Xander. After watching the security tape, the group finds out what happened. As Xander entered the room, his two opponents fired on him. He simply held out his hand, and absorbed the stun bolts. Then he stunned one guard, turned to the other, and charged at him so fast that all the camera showed was a blur of Xander shoulder tackled the other man into the wall, crushing them both to death. As Xander's body lays on the floor, the group watches as it convulses...just around the time that the storm cloud hit.

Finding this very odd indeed, the group body-bags Xander and his opponent, and secures the tape for analysis. As Spyros is securing Xander's posessions, one of the members of the other team steps forward, and asks "What are those?" Spyros replies that these are Xander's lightsabers. The man promptly asks if he could have one. Spyros laughs. The man asks again, this time, just a tad more-convincing...You WILL give me a lightsaber. Drawing upon all his extra strength, Spyros resists this attempt, but shakes his head as has now figured out what happened...

Adventure 7

Upon returning to the Rebel Base at Tavitz, the group explains to Lt. Colonel Camus about what happened at the training facility on Tanda. Lt. Colonel Camus reports that the day after the group left Tanda, that Sargent Damis (the doofis who asked Spyros for a lightsaber) has since turned up AWOL, along with a Z-95 Headhunter. They suspect that Damis (probably now under the control of Riker Drast) has left the system in search of who-knows-what. They take down the transponder code of the Z-95, and the breifing continues...

Lt. Colonel Camus assigns them to pick up a load of blaster rifles from one of their less-reputable sources. They are to go to the Calorian Orbital Station, and meet their contact who's only name is Methos. From there, they are to secure the cargo, and deliver a cred-stick to Methos.

The group makes it into the station without much problem. However, they see WANTED posters up for Quar, Tra'Narr, Chlea, and now Damian! Since Chlea's bounty is only from a Hutt, the Imperials let her go through. And after causing a large distraction, (involving tripping a large man into a pile of Stormtroopers) Damian slips through with almost nobody noticing him.

They split off into groups, and take up different positions inside the restarants/bars in the upper-level. Scolar and Max head off to the Eager Beaver, which is the local strip-joint. They talk to the bartender, tip him well, and ask if he knows who Methos is. The bartender says that he'll send Methos over as soon as Methos is available. Satisfied, Max and Scolar sit down, and enjoy the show. They are a tad surprized to see that the next lovely lady on-stage is named Methos. After her performance, she makes her way over to Scolar and Max, and leaves them with the docking port location of the cargo.

As they head out on the monorail system to the docking port, Damian is spotted by a random stormtrooper patrol. He slides into an elevator, and luckilly loses them on the recreational level. Scolar and Damian arrive at the port, knock on the door, and have the cargo loaded into the cargo supports on the monorail car. They punch in the destination of their docking bay, but the monorail blows right by it.

Starting to be a tad concerned, they start pressing buttons madly, and Scolar even shoots the control panel. They look out the front viewport, and see the end-wall growing ever-closer, and the speed of the monorail remaining consistent. Two small explosions erupt, and take-out the end-wall, allowing Max and Scolar's monorail car to plumment out into space.

Just as they begin to panic, a space tug makes its way over to them, and picks them up. The comm-screen flashes to life, and they again meet Captain Drake Wallace. Captain Wallace says that he will release them in exhange for Xander. They inform him that Xander is dead, and even copy the video of his death for him. Wallace concedes, and puts the car back on the track, before leaving.

Now that the weapons are secured, they give the cred stick to Methos, and begin to make their way out. However, they see George The Hutt in the monorail terminal, and Chlea quickly evades them before the group returns to their ship, and blasts-off. They return to Tavitz successful, and recieve a new mission. They are to run a cargo of food-stuffs to the Alliance Tapani Fleet in Canti. Amazed that they even had a "fleet", they proceed into the unknown...

Interlude 7

At the Abihsot Etillteas restaurant on Procopia, a waiter rushes through to the HOUSE CADRIAAN section.

"Yes milord, what will you be having today?"

"First of all, get me the Swodniw Nil wine...11673 or earlier please."

"A very wise choice, milord!"

"How about some Toydarian Curdish Wafers on the side..."

"Yes milord..."

"And get me an Alderaniaan Nerf Steak...medium-well."

"'m terribly sorry sir, but we are out of Alderaanian Nerf at the moment."

"Don't play games with me..."

"I don't know what you're talking about, sir."

"You will bring me an Alderaanian Nerf Steak...medium-well."

"I...will..bring you an Alderaanian Nerf Steak..."


"Medium-well. However, we don't serve Alderaanian Nerf without first seeing a credit voucher."

"Very well."

"Thank you Sir...Xander Phalinx...I'll have your steak right out!"

Adventure 8

Upon arriving in the Canti system, (and after some searching) they manage to find the fleet...consisting of two Rebel Assault Frigates, three Nebulon-B Frigates, and four Corvettes. They land on the Rebel Assault Frigate Victor, and drop off the food supplies. They are also informed by the First Officer of the ship, that the group is being recruited into the fleet for temporary service, as they are preparing for an attack on the Reenan system. Special command assignments are handed out, including assigning Max Bloodman as Captain of the Nebulon-B Frigate Ridgehand, making Scolar the leader of Milwaukee's Best Y-Wing Squadron, and Cassius being made commander of the shipyard insertion team.

The attack begins, with Rogue Squadron leading the way, and spearheading the attack. However, only one Star Destroyer is present...the other one (and the Interdictor) are missing! Scolar's squadron stay back, and pick up the stragglers that get by the X-Wings, until Commander Skywalker issues him an order to intercept a new group of signals coming from the shipyards.

Scolar leads Milwaukee's Best into the fray, against the Empire's newest weapon...the TIE Interceptor! They push their Y-Wings to the max, and (with a little help) destroy all of the Interceptors, while losing all but four Y-Wings. Having suffered 66% casualties in his squadron, Scolar orders the remnants of his group (Damean, Duo, and Skimpy) back to the Victor for repairs.

Meanwhile, the strike team lands on the Shipyards. After a lengthy battle where Raven and Quar are injured, the group manages to secure and hold the station. Chalk up another success for Cassius.

Upon securing the system (after the destruction of the Star Destroyer), the fleet receives an incoming transmission from Tavitz...The missing Star Destroyer and the Interdictor are orbiting Tavitz, and bombarding the Rebel base! The Fleet makes hasty preparations, docks three ships for repairs, and jumps to Tavitz.

Amazingly, Tavitz Base holds out, long enough for the Star Destroyer to be obliterated, along with the Interdictor. Scolar then leads Milwaukee's Best (with Nar'Fharl as its newest member) and bombs the crap out of the remaining Imperial Army units. Battle over, time to kick back, drink some beers, get some promotions, and spend some character points!

Interlude 8

Dawn breaks over the vast cityscape of Imperial Center, as two sinister figures walk down a dimly-lit hallway in a secured area of the Imperial Palace...

"So, Grand Vizier, is there anything else that I need to be made aware of?"

"Yes, Master. One last thing...there has been a significant development in the Tapani Sector."

"And just how significant?"

"Reports are incomplete, but they indicate that a large fleet of mixed capital ships has taken control of the system of Reena. The two Star Destroyers and the Interdictor stationed there have failed to report in for some time."

"A Rebel attack fleet?"

"As I mentioned, Master, reports are incomplete. Rumors abound support the existence of a Rebel Base in the area, but not with a fleet capable of eliminating two Star Destroyers."

"So if it was the Alliance, they probably had help from one of the houses."

"Yes Master, that is what I think as well."

"I see. I believe our presence in the Tapani Sector has served its purpose, and we would be more-effective if we were not as visible. You will leave for the Tapani Sector today. Order the fleet to pull back to Tallan, and arrange a meeting with the High Council to sign a treaty that will give military control of the sector to House Mecetti AND House Melantha."

"A very wise plan, Master."

"As the two houses squabble over total control, our ships and installations will no longer be targets...making it easier for us to crush any Rebel uprising. I want you to contact Major Lanos before you leave, and have him prepare an analysis of any terrorist activity in the sector. I'm sure that you will know what to do."

"Yes, Master. It will be done as you command."

Adventure 9

Following a new assignment, the crew of Xander's Folly heads out toward Nista, to rendezvous with an Alliance smuggler named Kord. Kord apparently has a shipment of Tibanna Gas for them to take back to the Rebels. They are told that Kord will have the location of their drop-point.

After making a brief stop-over in Procopia (to upgrade their ship another f*#&!%@ time), the crew makes their way to the Cadriaan planet of Nista. Upon arrival at Nista, the crew finds out about the latest in sector politics...that the Empire has apparently PULLED-OUT of all house space! This is a significant development, and leads them to think that their stay in the sector might be limited, until they hear the catch...Mecetti and Melantha will control the sector TOGETHER. Yeah right!

Anyway, moving along to find their contact, Chlea pulls of a docking bay list from BOSS (Bureau Of Ships and Services) and finds where Kord's ship is located. However, she also finds the missing Z-95 Headhunter, in the name of Xander Phalinx! Immediately, they head out to the Z-95, but find nothing...except for Sargent Damis's clothes and ID. They disable the ship, and move on. Chlea and Duo head out to make contact with the local Saber Rakes, while Damean, Scolar, and Cassius make their way to Kord's docking bay. Since they arrived ahead of schedule, they are not surprised that they do not find Kord within.

But, as fellow spacers, they follow their instincts, and head to the nearest bar...the extremely-crowded "024-Bust" (in reference to a losing hand of Sabacc). They enter the bar, and split-up to search for Kord. Finally, Scolar spots him in the back corner of the bar, sitting at a table by himself.

Leaving Damean to cover them, Cassius and Scolar go up and introduce themselves. Kord talks to them for a while over some lum, and then gets up to use the bathroom. Kord makes it about half-way there before someone bumps into him...and lethally stabs him in the abdomen with a dagger.

Scolar gets up to help him, while Cassius heads after the fellow who stabbed Kord. Damean gets ready to take-out the killer's cover-man, when a shot rings out and takes him in the arm. Scolar breaks out his Thunderer, and disarms (literally) the unlucky sniper. Cassius tackles and eventually stabs the killer, taking him out of the picture. Scolar takes out one more thug, and then watches helplessly, as a Twi-Lek sneaks up behind Damean, and drops him with a tazer. Scolar checks Kord for vitals...and finds nothing...while Cassius bolts out the door after the two men. Cassius chases them into an alley, and labels their speeder with a grenade and a blaster bolt before they escape into the night.

Meanwhile, Duo remembers the location of a Saber-Rake hideout, and leads Chlea there. While inside, he rudely ignores the other nobles there, and begins to question the bartender. He finds out that a man named Xander Phalinx was indeed here about three days ago. After getting his information, and snubbing [another] Nobleman, he is challenged to a duel.

Duo steps out, and draws his lightfoil against Sir Galen Lafleur. Lafleur gets two deep cuts on Duo, and offers Duo a chance to give up. This only succeeded in pissing Duo off. Duo digs deep down, and uses all the strength within himself, and presses on, scoring a killing blow by creating a new [and rather large] chest cavity on Lafleur. He drops, and Duo now has himself the respect of the Cadriaan Saber Rakes.

Meanwhile, Damean makes his way to Kord's ship, a slow and old Bulk Freighter named The Gambler's Prize. He gets in and familiarizes himself with the ship's controls. He searches through it, and finds the location of their drop-point. He radios everyone, and tells them to get Xander's Folly ready, along with the Z-95.

Duo makes it to the Z-95's bay, and opens the door. He enters, and closes it behind him. He makes his way to the light switch to luminate the room. Just before he does, he watches in horror, as a red lightsaber blade pierces the blast-door, and slices it to pieces. Duo looks on, to see Sargent Damis/Xander Phalinx/Riker Drast walk through the door. Duo books for the emergency exit, but is caught by the Dark Jedi anyway.

Meanwhile, Scolar and Cassius agree to meet back at the ship. Scolar makes it there first, and finds that the Xander's Folly is under impound. Not able to open the doors to get to the ship, Scolar contacts R2-Q2, and tells him to blast the doors open with the drop down cannon. The blasts are loud, but don't damage the doors enough to open them. The noise attracts the spaceport authorities, who question and attempt to detain an irate Scolar with their stun batons, but he evades them.

Cassius and Chlea head to the BOSS office. While Cassius tries to negotiate their release, Chlea breaks into an administrative office, and hacks the computer. But, she hacks poorly, and is caught by the BOSS authorities. Not wanting to be taken, Chlea draws her lightsaber, and parries her way to freedom, while slicing off both officers' arms! She makes it to the Z-95 bay to check on Duo, who is tied up to the Z-95! She frees Duo, but not before Drast returns to confront them. Duo charges Drast, but Drast makes him his bitch with ease. Capitalizing on his preoccupation, Chlea attacks, and lands a serious wound on Drast's neck...who turns-tail and makes his escape.

Scolar finally make his way back to the main bay, and comm-links R2-Q2 to use the BIG guns on the docking bay's structure. R2 turns the bay into rubble (along with some of the BOSS cops), and makes a clear path for Cassius and Scolar to get on board. They take the ship over to Chlea, who helps a hand-less Duo on, and blast their way past the BOSS's Manta Starfighters to their hyperspace point.

Twelve days later, they drop out of hyperspace at their drop point...the remote ice-world of Hoth. The home of the Rebel Alliance's Headquarters...Echo Base.

Return To Base