Darth Bob

Name: Quel Arhris, Other aliases: Darth Bob, Qui-Bob Jinn, Jolan the Hutt, Earl the Speedy Delivery Guy
Type: Crazy old man
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Age: 57
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 155 lbs.

Brawl Parry 3D+2, Dodge 4D, Lightsaber 4D+1, Melee Combat 4D+1, Running 6D

Languages 5D, Scholar 7D, Scholar: Jedi Lore 5D, Survival 4D+2

Astrogation 4D+2, Beast Riding 3D+1

Command 4D+2, Con 4D, Disguise 5D, Forgery 5D+1, Gambling 3D+1, Sneak 3D+2, Search 4D+2

Brawling 3D+1, Climbing / Jumping 4D, Stamina 3D+2

Computer Programming / Repair 4D+1, Droid Repair 2D+1, Holograph Repair 3D

Special Abilities:
Force Skills: Control 1D+2, Sense 2D+2, Alter 4D
Control: Contort / escape, enhance attribute, resist stun
Sense: Beast languages, life detection, life sense, sense force, weather sense
Alter: Injure / kill, telekinesis
Control and Sense: Lightsaber combat, projective telepathy
Control and Alter: Control breathing
Control, Sense, and Alter: Affect mind
Sense and Alter: Dim other's senses

Force Sensitive:Yes
Force Points:1
Dark Side Points:2
Character Points:4